Are you ready for the biggest party of the year? What do you mean “what party?” We are talking about AquaPalooza! You don't know what that is? Let me introduce you to it. AquaPalooza was started in 2006 by Sea Ray Boats. Since then it has taken on a life of its own. Sea Ray dealers across North America have their choice to participate in AquaPalooza, and with the name becoming more and more recognized, most Sea Ray dealers do participate.
The Dealers might have to be a Sea Ray dealer to throw a party, but lucky for us, absolutely everyone is invited. It doesn't matter if you drive a Premier Pontoon, Bayliner sport boat, Polar Kraft fishing boat, or even if you don’t have a boat and just want to swim up and enjoy the party. All are welcome, any boat, any brand.
AquaPalooza events vary by location and dealership. They can choose to celebrate a bunch of different ways. It could be a raft-up, weekend cruise, beach barbeque, music performance, scavenger hunt, anything you could think of and more.
Now you know what it is, and how to celebrate. Let me tell you what we are doing. Here at Power Boats Inc. we have decided that we are going to start the day with a Poker Run and finish it up with a BBQ. Pre-registration starts tonight for the party. If you would like to participate in the Poker Run or join the fun at the BBQ come and join us tonight at the Former Dockers Bar & Grill from 6PM-8PM.

On a side note, If you were curious as to what a Poker Run is, the quick definition is, you take your boat through about 5-7 check points drawing a card at each stop. The person with the best poker hand at the end of the run is the winner.
The party starts tomorrow morning, July 20. If you missed pre-registration, then you can still register the morning of. 10:30AM is when the registration will begin and at 11:30 there will be a mandatory driver meeting for anyone who will be driving in the run. At high noon, the Poker Run takes off. You will have until 3PM to get to all your stops and pick up the best hand.
Starting at three, we will start our BBQ which will go on throughout the afternoon. Get your friends together, hop on someones boat, and join the tens of thousands who have taken part of the biggest party on the water celebrating the boating life style. Oh and, don't forget the sunscreen.