- The heaviest boat goes first. Remember, longer does not necessarily equal heavier. A good indicator: the heaviest boat will have the biggest, heaviest anchor (or at least should!). When tying up to other boats, use dock lines rated for the biggest boat in the gathering.
- Ease in. Once the host vessel is in position, put out fenders and come abeam (from the stern or rear) of it. Heave the bow and stern lines to the other crew. If you can’t do this, approach the bow at a 45-degree angle and toss the bowline, and allow your boat to settle gently back and beside the host by using the wind or current.
- Alternate sides. Subsequent boats tie up alternating from the left and the right sides of the big boat. Attempt to keep the same number of boats on each side of the big boat. Every third boat should anchor and back down the raft.
- Line up the sterns. That way, you can tie lines in a manner that allows people to pass from vessel to vessel on the swim platforms. This is safer and more practical than climbing across gunwales or over bow rails. Use spring lines to adjust.
- Use fenders. The more, the better - protect all boats involved! This is made easier when boats of a similar height are next to one another, so consider this when organizing your raft.
- Vizualize a big circle. Be aware of the swinging room your raft would need should the wind or current change.
Once your raft is tied up, enjoy! Remember that raft etiquette dictates you bring your own food and drinks, have snacks to share with others in the raft, keep your own music level down so only those on your boat can hear it and have a general willingness to help other boats raft or leave. We definitely recommend coordinating who brings what so one boat is the grapes boat, one is the cheese and crackers boat, one is the chips and dip boat... Like a progressive dinner, only on boats!
See more tips on the rafting up process here.
How often do you raft up on the lake? Who are your favorite people to raft up with?
Image from: http://www.examiner.com/article/aquapalooza-events-near-st-louis-missouricr